Inclusive Onboarding

Inclusive Onboarding

So, you’ve successfully filled a new position with the most qualified immigrant professional. Now that you’ve secured the applicant, what’s your plan to retain them?

Inclusive onboarding requires thoughtful planning and mindful execution. The resources below are hand-picked with you in mind. Start learning how to develop and implement inclusive onboarding processes in your team today.

Creating a Culture of Inclusion in the Workplace

How individual practices of inclusion can bring diversity and inclusion policies to life.

Onboarding Newcomers: Toolkits for Employers

This Toolkit includes sections on employer branding and sourcing talent, as well as on ways to address unconscious biases and assess candidates’ competencies. It provides tips and recommendations on supporting diversity in language and accommodating special requests.

Inclusive Employee Onboarding

Learn how to expand your inclusive onboarding practices beyond a traditional employee handbook.

Note: Create a profile at TRIEC Learning for free to enrol in this e-learning course.