In today’s tightening labour market, accessing skilled talent is a key factor in helping businesses thrive. The Conference Board of Canada predicts that the immigrant talent pool will be the main source of net labour force growth in Canada, yet it can be difficult to tap into. Within the labour pool itself, immigrants experience many barriers to finding meaningful work in their industry. The award-winning Halifax Connector Program helps address challenges for both employers and immigrants. It is an intentional networking program that puts immigrants directly in touch with local businesspeople, civil servants, and community leaders – people who are in the habit of making introductions and connecting others to opportunities. Immigrants quickly build their professional network while employers meet new skilled talent. It’s a win-win. The Connector Program model has been replicated in over 30 communities in Canada and internationally. This webinar will showcase three business stories of connecting and hiring immigrant talent, and the importance of building a welcoming, diverse, and inclusive workforce.


  • Mike Johnston – Founder and CEO, REDspace
  • Maayan Harel – Program Manager, Aerospace and Defence, Enginuity Inc.
  • Vinita Savani – Regional President, Atlantic Canada, RBC


Alida Campbell – National Connector Program Manager, Halifax Partnership

