
25 minGuides

Hire internationally trained workers (British Columbia)

Learn more about how to recruit and hire internationally trained workers (ITWs). ITWs include immigrants, refugees, international students, and Canadians who trained or worked outside of the country.

Published Date: 02 December 2024AccomodationsAttractionDEI StrategyHow to find talentHow to hire talentHow to retain talentENAccess the Guide
10 minArticle

Building Leadership Skills Through Volunteerism

Published Date: 24 April 2024AttractionENArticle
25 minReports

Hiring Immigrant Talent: The Path to a Thriving Workforce

We trust you will find in this report valuable Insights, best practices and solutions that will fuel your efforts to attract and retain newcomer employees, in an inclusive and sustainable way.

Published Date: 12 March 2024AttractionDEI StrategyHow to find talentHow to hire talentHow to retain talentMentoringMulticultural IntelligenceOnboardingRecruitmentRefugeesRetentionENAccess the Report

Underground Miner Assessment Toolkit – Employer Guide for Hiring New Canadians and Immigrants

This  Employer Guide Toolkit is one of two, designed for employers in the Mining and Oil and Gas sectors to assess and hire immigrant underground miners.

Published Date: 15 January 2024AttractionHow to find talentHow to hire talentRecruitmentENAccess the Guide
25 minPrintable Resource

Enabling the Economic Inclusion of Refugees

This briefing paper by the World Economic Forum’s Refugee Employment Alliance builds on what enabled the rapid labour market inclusion of Ukrainian refugees to identify globally relevant strategies for refugee employment.

Published Date: 10 November 2023AttractionBelongingBusiness Case for InclusionDEI StrategyRefugeesENAccess the Resource

Rethinking Assumptions: Unpacking Canadian Work Experience

The project critically assessed the validity of employers requiring Canadian Work Experience” and explored how the concept of Canadian Work Experience negatively affects racialized immigrants seeking employment in their respective fields as well as employers who are unable to find talent in the tight labour market.

Published Date: 25 October 2023AttractionHow to find talentInclusivity StrategyENAccess the Tool
1 hourToolkit

Onboarding Newcomers: A Toolkit for Nova Scotian Employers

Newcomers to Canada represent one such talent pool. With their skills, expertise, and connections to communities around the world, immigrants bring unique perspectives, and they are often able to understand unmet needs in under-leveraged markets.

Published Date: 25 October 2023AttractionHow to find talentHow to hire talentHow to retain talentOnboardingENAccess the Toolkit
Workshop Material

Are You Ready? Securing Skilled Employees: Employment and Immigration Law in a Changing Landscape

Are you ready for the changes to immigration laws in Canada that will affect your recruiting and hiring practices? This webinar recording takes a practical look at the impacts of these changes to your work as an HR professional or hiring manager. Our presenter, lawyer Sharaf Sultan, draws on his expertise with workplace immigration, employment, and human rights law to answer these questions. Learning outcomes: What are the challenges and opportunities of hiring global talent, including differences between individuals already in Canada and those living outside of Canada? How to keep and to secure international employees as needed. How to avoid pitfalls when navigating human rights and employment laws in the hiring of foreign workers and permanent residents. What are the upcoming changes to Canada’s temporary and permanent worker programs for 2015 and beyond? Not available unless: You are a(n) Enrolled User

Published Date: 15 June 2023AttractionHow to find talentHow to hire talentInclusivity StrategyRecruitmentENAccess the Material
53 minWebinar (On-Demand)

Webinar – Facilitating Your Access to Global Talent: Programs and Supports for Employers

On March 21, 2018, IEC-BC hosted a webinar on the current programs and supports available to employers interested in hiring newcomers to Canada. Moderated by IEC-BC’s Sangeeta Subramanian, the webinar featured presentations by Heather Michaud, Employer Liaison Network Officer (IRCC); Caroline Berger, Project Manager (Economic Development Society of BC); Rob Henderson, President and CEO (BioTalent Canada).

Published Date: 15 June 2023AttractionHow to find talentInclusionRecruitmentENAccess the Webinar
45 minTools

Attracting and Recruiting Newcomers

Finding committed, motivated and qualified individuals, and capitalizing on the economic benefits that diverse populations have to offer. Changing demographics are having an impact on business in Canada as unprecedented numbers of workers retire and fewer enter the labour market. The changes in our demographics mean that immigration is playing an increasingly critical role in alleviating our current and anticipated talent and skills shortage. Manitoba and other provinces compete for skilled international talent and our competitiveness in the world depends, in a large part, on our ability to attract, integrate, and retain international talent.

Published Date: 14 June 2023AttractionHow to find talentHow to hire talentHow to retain talentInclusionInclusivity StrategyRecruitmentENAccess the Tool
20 minTools

The Benefits of International Talent

Talent is a life blood of successful economies, but like other valuable commodities it is a scarce resource. It is not always a simple matter to recruit and retain skilled immigrants as part of our workforce. While there are some challenges for employers, there are many benefits.

Published Date: 14 June 2023AttractionDEI StrategyHow to hire talentHow to retain talentInclusionRecruitmentENAccess the Tool