Certificate in Inclusive Leadership 2020
The Certificate in Inclusive Leadership will help you to gain a strategic approach, practical tools, and the opportunity to build your skills to advance not only diversity but true inclusion. This program will enable you to grow your inclusive leadership capabilities and lead change within your team, department, or organization. Teacher: Rachel Crowe
Published Date: 30 August 2023Business Case for InclusionInclusionInclusivity StrategyLeadershipENAccess the ResourceCourse: Evolving Membership Management
Module 1 - Creating Membership Value Learning outcomes: 1. Identify and analyze various stakeholders of your association 2. Develop a high-level plan to create membership value in five steps 3. Identify member personas and apply it to your association’s strategy Module 2 - Know Your Members - Developing Member Personas Learning outcomes: 1. Identify and analyze various stakeholders of your association 2. Develop a high-level plan to create membership value in five steps 3. Identify member personas and apply it to your association’s strategy
Published Date: 30 August 2023How to retain talentLeadershipStrategyENAccess the MaterialSolution-Focused Coaching – How to Present Career Advice
One of the most valuable roles you play, as a Professional Immigrant Network (PINs) leader, is to provide career advice to your members. An effective way of helping others is by leading them to discover the solutions themselves. Solution-focused coaching is a proven approach that promotes positive growth and builds confidence and motivation. Sign-in to TRIEC Learning is required to enroll in this course.
Published Date: 27 June 2023Employee DevelopmentInclusivity StrategyLeadershipENAccess the MaterialWEBINAR – Leadership Development through Mentoring
On June 2, 2015, IEC-BC hosted a webinar, Leadership Development through Mentoring.
Published Date: 12 May 2022LeadershipMentoringENAccess the WebinarTypical Tasks in Preparation for the Performance Appraisal Meeting
Published Date: 07 June 2021LeadershipAccess the ResourceSummary of Theories and Key Cultural Influences
This document provides an overview of the types of cultural differences, with examples and tips for successfully navigating these differences in day-to-day interactions.
Published Date: 04 January 2017LeadershipENAccess the ResourceCultural Perceptions of Change and Leadership
This series of training videos demonstrates the ways culture influences how we see and respond to change, how we interpret leadership styles, and how we collaborate across levels within an organization. Set in a Canadian tech company, the video follows a team adjusting to a major change within their organization as well as dealing with the different cultural dynamics in their team.
Published Date: 04 January 2017LeadershipENAccess the GuideCultural Influences on Leadership
This e-learning module will help you understand how culture shapes different perspectives on leadership styles, preferences and expectations in the workplace.
Published Date: 04 January 2017LeadershipENEnrol in this coursePerformance Management
This e-learning module explores how cultural differences influence performance management and provides leaders with strategies to make this process more inclusive
Published Date: 04 January 2017LeadershipENEnrol in this courseCulture and Leadership Effectiveness: the GLOBE Study
Use this article to gain an understanding of how the context of culture effects our understanding and evaluation of leadership effectiveness.
Published Date: 04 January 2017LeadershipENAccess the Resource