DEI Strategy
The Employer’s Roadmap: Hiring & Retaining Internationally Trained Workers
Hiring & Retaining Internationally Trained Workers (ITWs) can help you: 1) Meet your labour needs; 2) Increase your competitiveness; 3) Access new markets; 4) Make your organization more effective; 5) Connect you with other valuable workers and organizations.
Published Date: 14 November 2023DiversityHow to hire talentHow to retain talentRecruitmentRetentionENAccess the ToolkitEnabling the Economic Inclusion of Refugees
This briefing paper by the World Economic Forum’s Refugee Employment Alliance builds on what enabled the rapid labour market inclusion of Ukrainian refugees to identify globally relevant strategies for refugee employment.
Published Date: 10 November 2023AttractionBelongingBusiness Case for InclusionDEI StrategyRefugeesENAccess the ResourceMeasuring Cultural Intelligence: Implications and Opportunities
Cultural intelligence is an ability that varies with individuals and explains differences in intercultural effectiveness. This ability is difficult to assess, yet managers must be able to measure it in order to determine which employees are talented at working across cultural contexts and with people from different cultures.
Published Date: 10 November 2023DEI StrategyDiversityInclusionInclusivity StrategyMulticultural IntelligenceENAccess the ResourceBicultural Employees Your Organization’s Secret to Success
A stroll through the halls of almost any Canadian workplace will testify to the cultural diversity of its workforce. Working effectively across cultures is now a fundamental requirement for today’s business people.
Published Date: 10 November 2023DEI StrategyDiversityInclusionMulticultural IntelligenceENArticleTRIEC Learning Space: Available Courses
Watch SPO webinars on employer engagement. Enroll in these courses today and share your thoughts and ideas in the forum.
Published Date: 10 November 2023DEI StrategyENEnrol in this courseRethinking Assumptions: Unpacking Canadian Work Experience
The project critically assessed the validity of employers requiring Canadian Work Experience” and explored how the concept of Canadian Work Experience negatively affects racialized immigrants seeking employment in their respective fields as well as employers who are unable to find talent in the tight labour market.
Published Date: 25 October 2023AttractionHow to find talentInclusivity StrategyENAccess the ToolImmigrant and Refugee Mental Health Project
The toolkit is designed to provide a snapshot of essential information, tools, resources and examples of promising practices that can be integrated into the daily work of settlement, social, and health service providers across Canada, with the aim of building the capacity to better support the unique mental health needs of immigrants and refugees.
Published Date: 25 October 2023BelongingHow to retain talentInclusionRefugeesENAccess the ToolkitWords Matter: Guidelines on Using Inclusive Language in the Workplace (BC)
The use of inclusive language plays an important role in promoting higher employee engagement, superior customer service and increased productivity—all important aspects of a positive work culture.
Published Date: 25 October 2023BelongingCommunicationInclusionLanguageENAccess the GuideEmployment Equity Toolkit
Sometimes to have fair and inclusive workplaces, employers need to look at treating their workers differently rather than the same. Employment equity addresses inequities in the workplace so we can build a more inclusive society respectful of human rights.
Published Date: 24 October 2023DiversityEquityInclusionInclusivity StrategyENAccess the ToolkitEmployer Toolkit for Hiring Students from International Pathways
Students from International Pathways bring diverse and global perspectives to the workplace that can lead to an increase in revenue, innovation, and productivity. This project includes a curated package of resources to help you discover how to access this untapped talent pool to fill work-integrated learning (WIL) opportunities in your organization.
Published Date: 17 October 2023DiversityInclusivity StrategyENAccess the ToolkitCertificate in Inclusive Leadership 2020
The Certificate in Inclusive Leadership will help you to gain a strategic approach, practical tools, and the opportunity to build your skills to advance not only diversity but true inclusion. This program will enable you to grow your inclusive leadership capabilities and lead change within your team, department, or organization. Teacher: Rachel Crowe
Published Date: 30 August 2023Business Case for InclusionInclusionInclusivity StrategyLeadershipENAccess the ResourceWebinar: Immigrant Employment Programs and Services Overview
Key take-aways: 1. To understand the steps to employment for immigrants to Canada 2. To learn about the types of programs, services and resources that help immigrants achieve their employment goals 3. To hear about the immigrant experience in navigating and accessing employment programs and services Presenter: Irene Vaksman, Program Manager, JVS Toronto Success Story Panelists: - Miguel Abascal, PINs Leader, UnstoppableMe - Akhil Shah, The Mentoring Partnership Mentor and former Mentee Facilitator: Shivani Parshad, Learning Consultant, TRIEC Originally aired: March 30, 2016 Sign-in required
Published Date: 30 August 2023Business Case for InclusionFinding SPOsInclusionStrategyENAccess the Webinar