How to retain talent
Maximizing your Return on Inclusion (Onboarding Refugees Step 3)
TIP SHEET 3: Physical & Emotional Safety Being new to Canada, many refugees may have a different understanding of workplace health and safety standards.
Published Date: 15 June 2023BelongingHow to retain talentInclusionOnboardingENAccess the Tip SheetAttracting and Recruiting Newcomers
Finding committed, motivated and qualified individuals, and capitalizing on the economic benefits that diverse populations have to offer. Changing demographics are having an impact on business in Canada as unprecedented numbers of workers retire and fewer enter the labour market. The changes in our demographics mean that immigration is playing an increasingly critical role in alleviating our current and anticipated talent and skills shortage. Manitoba and other provinces compete for skilled international talent and our competitiveness in the world depends, in a large part, on our ability to attract, integrate, and retain international talent.
Published Date: 14 June 2023AttractionHow to find talentHow to hire talentHow to retain talentInclusionInclusivity StrategyRecruitmentENAccess the ToolThe Benefits of International Talent
Talent is a life blood of successful economies, but like other valuable commodities it is a scarce resource. It is not always a simple matter to recruit and retain skilled immigrants as part of our workforce. While there are some challenges for employers, there are many benefits.
Published Date: 14 June 2023AttractionDEI StrategyHow to hire talentHow to retain talentInclusionRecruitmentENAccess the ToolWebinar – Newcomer Resilience in Adapting to a New Culture and Its Impact on Business Success
Many newcomers to Canada face challenges such as language barriers and cultural differences when adapting to a new culture here and integrating into their new workplaces and industries. This webinar explores these barriers & their impact on a newcomer talent's success through the lens of employers and workforce consultants.
Published Date: 02 May 2023BelongingDiversityHow to retain talentInclusionInclusivity StrategyOnboardingENAccess the WebinarWebinar – Closing the Chasm 2022: Insights Into Immigrant Talent Retention Every Employer Needs To Hear
Evidence backed data have clearly shown why there are many benefits to hiring and recruiting immigrant talent. This webinar provides employers with practical insights on how their businesses can better accommodate the needs of immigrants after hiring has occurred. On this webinar a panel of industry professionals share about the stresses and successes companies face with newcomer employee retention strategies and practices.
Published Date: 20 April 2023AttractionHow to retain talentInclusivity StrategyENAccess the WebinarWebinar – Help Wanted: Recruiting Immigrant Talent in a Tightening Labour Market
Long before the pandemic, several sectors were experiencing skills shortages. There are signals everywhere that the labour market is tightening. In this webinar, award-winning employers share their perspectives, strategies, and best practices for recruiting immigrants and creating welcoming and inclusive workplaces. The panel also includes representatives from immigrant-serving organizations to discuss programs and incentives available to support employers recruit immigrant talent in Canada.
Published Date: 20 April 2023DEI StrategyHow to find talentHow to hire talentHow to retain talentInclusionInclusivity StrategyOnboardingRecruitmentENAccess the WebinarWebinar – The Power of Networking to Access Talent: Utilizing Connector Programs to Fill Labour Gaps
In today’s tightening labour market, accessing skilled talent is a key factor in helping businesses thrive. The Conference Board of Canada predicts that the immigrant talent pool will be the main source of net labour force growth in Canada, yet it can be difficult to tap into. Within the labour pool itself, immigrants experience many barriers to finding meaningful work in their industry. The award-winning Halifax Connector Program helps address challenges for both employers and immigrants. This webinar will showcase three business stories of connecting and hiring immigrant talent, and the importance of building a welcoming, diverse, and inclusive workforce.
Published Date: 20 April 2023Business Case for InclusionDEI StrategyHow to find talentHow to hire talentHow to retain talentInclusivity StrategyOnboardingRecruitmentENAccess the WebinarWebinar – Decoding Unconscious Hiring Bias with Vivian Li and Raj Dam
Research in neuroscience and psychology has highlighted the impact that unconscious bias has on people's behaviour, decisions, and interactions, both in their personal and professional lives. In the recruitment process, unconscious bias can prevent an individual from fairly evaluating candidates and offering the job to the best talent. Led by Vivian Li, an HR thought leader in diversity and inclusion, and Raj Dam from TRIEC, this webinar is a powerful resource for employers across small, medium, and large Canadian organizations to recognize and mitigate the issues of concern in their recruitment practices and take a positive step towards immigrant inclusion in the Canadian workplaces.
Published Date: 20 April 2023Business Case for InclusionDEI StrategyHow to find talentHow to hire talentHow to retain talentENAccess the WebinarOnboarding Refugees: A Toolkit for Employers
This Toolkit provides employers with clear information, tips, guidelines and best practices for implementing successful recruitment, onboarding and retention practices for a diverse and inclusive workplace that includes refugees.
Published Date: 09 December 2022How to find talentHow to hire talentHow to retain talentAccess the ToolEffects of Mentoring on Individuals and Businesses
Published Date: 09 December 2022DEI StrategyDiversityHow to retain talentInclusionInclusivity StrategyMentoringStrategyENView the InfographicManu Varma from Traction on Demand
Shares thoughts on how authentic Personal Branding can help a potential hire really stand out.
Published Date: 01 November 2021How to hire talentHow to retain talentENAccess the PodcastOnboarding Newcomers: Toolkits for Employers
Provide toolkits for employers
Published Date: 02 November 2019How to retain talentENAccess the Tool