
110 minPodcasts

Podcast Voices for Change: Chapter One – Microaggressions

Microaggressions are common forms of discrimination felt by newcomers across different age groups, ethnicities, genders – especially biases towards accents. Discussion about the different types of microaggressions, and how they impact organizations and immigrant professionals in the Canadian workplace. Learn how these biases can be tackled, at an organizational and individual level.

Published Date: 24 April 2024StrategyENAccess the Podcast
90 minPodcasts

Voices for Change: Chapter Two – Canadian Experience

This episode is Chapter Two of the Voices for Change project. Through data, stories, a series of podcasts and other activities, Voices for Change will kickstart a conversation about some of the more challenging issues that hinder immigrant professionals from finding skills-commensurate employment, advancing in their careers and having a sense of belonging in the workplace.

Published Date: 24 April 2024BelongingStrategyENAccess the Podcast
25 minPodcasts

Podcast – Comprendre les pénuries de main-d’œuvre au Canada

Il y a plus de gens qui travaillent qu’avant la pandémie, mais la demande de main-d’œuvre demeure supérieure à l’offre. Dans cet épisode, nos invités font part de leurs points de vue sur le contexte économique entourant ces pénuries et leurs conséquences pour les entreprises canadiennes. Nous discutons de ce que cela signifie pour les responsables en matière de compétences, les employeurs et les travailleurs. Invités : - Pedro Antunes, économiste en chef, Le Conference Board du Canada - Geneviève Bich, vice-présidente, Ressources humaines, Metro inc.

Published Date: 27 July 2023FRAccess the Podcast

Manu Varma from Traction on Demand

Shares thoughts on how authentic Personal Branding can help a potential hire really stand out.

Published Date: 01 November 2021How to hire talentHow to retain talentENAccess the Podcast