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Hiring Assessment Toolkit – Employer Guide for Hiring New Canadians and Immigrants Occupation: Underground Miner
This Employer Guide Toolkit is designed for employers in the Mining and Oil & Gas sectors. The foundation of this resource is the Mining Industry Human Resources Council’s National Occupational Standard for Underground Miner.
Published Date: 15 June 2023How to hire talentInclusivity StrategyRecruitmentENAccess the ToolFrom Onboarding to Career Mobility
Onboarding helps new hires adjust to social, cultural and performance expectations of the workplace so that they can become quickly engaged and productive. Onboarding is a process that focuses on transferring organizational, team, and role specific knowledge to new employees. It leads to early engagement of new employees by giving them the insight into the organization's culture and strategic direction, making them feel welcome within the organization and helping them plan their own career development & personal advancement. A well-developed and well-executed onboarding process will deliver business results by reducing ramp-up time for new employees and increasing their engagement.
Published Date: 14 June 2023BelongingInclusivity StrategyOnboardingENAccess the ToolAttracting and Recruiting Newcomers
Finding committed, motivated and qualified individuals, and capitalizing on the economic benefits that diverse populations have to offer. Changing demographics are having an impact on business in Canada as unprecedented numbers of workers retire and fewer enter the labour market. The changes in our demographics mean that immigration is playing an increasingly critical role in alleviating our current and anticipated talent and skills shortage. Manitoba and other provinces compete for skilled international talent and our competitiveness in the world depends, in a large part, on our ability to attract, integrate, and retain international talent.
Published Date: 14 June 2023AttractionHow to find talentHow to hire talentHow to retain talentInclusionInclusivity StrategyRecruitmentENAccess the ToolThe Benefits of International Talent
Talent is a life blood of successful economies, but like other valuable commodities it is a scarce resource. It is not always a simple matter to recruit and retain skilled immigrants as part of our workforce. While there are some challenges for employers, there are many benefits.
Published Date: 14 June 2023AttractionDEI StrategyHow to hire talentHow to retain talentInclusionRecruitmentENAccess the ToolEmployer Playbook: Strategies for Immigrant Inclusion in Canadian Workplaces
This Playbook provides easy-to-implement practical strategies and tips to bolster immigrant inclusion at each stage of the employment cycle: recruiting, hiring, onboarding, and integrating immigrants into the workplace. Download the Playbook.
Published Date: 09 December 2022Business Case for InclusionStrategyAccess the ResourceTypical Tasks in Preparation for the Performance Appraisal Meeting
Published Date: 07 June 2021LeadershipAccess the ResourceInclusive Workplace Competencies
Organizations around the world are using the Inclusive Workplace Competencies to: Define inclusive behaviors for leaders and teams; Develop diversity and inclusion training; Set performance goals; Inform policies and practice; Expand their existing competencies framework
Published Date: 04 January 2018DEI StrategyENAccess the ResourceInclusive Practices Index
The practices and actions that an organization takes to be more inclusive help create a diverse workplace where people feel valued and behave in an inclusive way.
Published Date: 04 January 2018DEI StrategyENAccess the ResourceStrategic Goals and Key Deliverables
Connecting diversity and inclusion to the goals of your entire organization as well as specific deliverables of the unit, department or team.
Published Date: 04 January 2018DEI StrategyENAccess the ResourceComparison of Cultural Differences at Work
The ways in which people approach these tasks at work is influenced by cultural norms. This document provides a comparison of these differences through the lenses of both egalitarian and hierarchical cultures.
Published Date: 04 January 2017CommunicationENAccess the ResourceCulture and Leadership Effectiveness: the GLOBE Study
Use this article to gain an understanding of how the context of culture effects our understanding and evaluation of leadership effectiveness.
Published Date: 04 January 2017LeadershipENAccess the ResourceSummary of Theories and Key Cultural Influences
This document provides an overview of the types of cultural differences, with examples and tips for successfully navigating these differences in day-to-day interactions.
Published Date: 04 January 2017LeadershipENAccess the Resource