Employer Attitudes and the Hiring of Immigrants and International Students: Evidence from a Survey of Employers in Atlantic Canada
Employers’ perceptions regarding hiring immigrants and international students in Atlantic Canada.
Published Date: 16 January 2024How to hire talentInternational StudentsRecruitmentEN / FRAccess the ResourceDirectory of Ottawa Programs and Services for Employers and Businesses
Published Date: 16 January 2024How to find talentNetworkingENAccess the ResourceBritish Columbia Labour Market Outlook 2023
The 2023 edition of the B.C. Labour Market Outlook is a 10-year forecast of the expected flow of supply and demand for labour in the province. This report is revised each year with the most up-to-date information available. Its purpose is to provide British Columbians with the knowledge required to make informed decisions around careers, hiring, training and education. Employers and industry stakeholders can use the information for long-term planning and to identify the necessary skills and relevant training opportunities.
Published Date: 27 November 2023StrategyENAccess the ResourceEmployment Equity Toolkit
Sometimes to have fair and inclusive workplaces, employers need to look at treating their workers differently rather than the same. Employment equity addresses inequities in the workplace so we can build a more inclusive society respectful of human rights.
Published Date: 24 October 2023DiversityEquityInclusionInclusivity StrategyENAccess the ToolkitInclusive Onboarding for Newcomer Employees: A Resource for Employers
This onboarding resource is meant to assist employers and managers in effectively integrating newcomer employees into their teams. From establishing clear expectations and providing necessary support to fostering a positive work environment that creates a welcoming experience. Empower your newcomer employees to thrive and succeed! Download the guide.
Published Date: 17 August 2023InclusionOnboardingENAccess the ResourceValued Workers, Valuable Work: The Current and Future Role of Immigrant Talent
Essential work is critical to Canada’s economy and the provision of basic goods and services. Canada relies on immigrants and temporary residents in many essential sectors and occupations. And the pandemic has put the spotlight once again on their contributions in sectors like healthcare and agriculture.
Published Date: 31 July 2023Business Case for InclusionInclusivity StrategyENAccess the ResourceGlobal Parity Alliance: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Lighthouses 2023 (Insight Report)
This report builds on the work of the Global Parity Alliance – a cross-industry group committed to advancing diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) around the world – and the associated DEI Lighthouse Programme launched to identify proven, effective DEI initiatives from companies across industries and geographies, organized by the World Economic Forum’s Centre for the New Economy and Society in collaboration with McKinsey and Company. This report lays out the key success factors that emerged, shows what effective DEI impact can look like through case studies and offers a starting point for applying the success factors to each company’s unique context.
Published Date: 25 July 2023DEI StrategyDiversityInclusionInclusivity StrategyENAccess the ResourceBook: Immigrant perceptions of integration in the Canadian workplace
(2020) This paper explores integration experiences of immigrants in the Canadian workplace from the perspective of immigrants themselves, focusing on cultural capital and cultural judgments as factors influencing workplace entry, advancement and social integration in an increasingly diverse work environment. Note: You have to register to access the material.
Published Date: 05 July 2023DEI StrategyDiversityInclusivity StrategyENAccess the ResourceSolution-Focused Coaching – How to Present Career Advice
One of the most valuable roles you play, as a Professional Immigrant Network (PINs) leader, is to provide career advice to your members. An effective way of helping others is by leading them to discover the solutions themselves. Solution-focused coaching is a proven approach that promotes positive growth and builds confidence and motivation. Sign-in to TRIEC Learning is required to enroll in this course.
Published Date: 27 June 2023Employee DevelopmentInclusivity StrategyLeadershipENAccess the MaterialFrom Onboarding to Career Mobility
Onboarding helps new hires adjust to social, cultural and performance expectations of the workplace so that they can become quickly engaged and productive. Onboarding is a process that focuses on transferring organizational, team, and role specific knowledge to new employees. It leads to early engagement of new employees by giving them the insight into the organization's culture and strategic direction, making them feel welcome within the organization and helping them plan their own career development & personal advancement. A well-developed and well-executed onboarding process will deliver business results by reducing ramp-up time for new employees and increasing their engagement.
Published Date: 14 June 2023BelongingInclusivity StrategyOnboardingENAccess the ToolAttracting and Recruiting Newcomers
Finding committed, motivated and qualified individuals, and capitalizing on the economic benefits that diverse populations have to offer. Changing demographics are having an impact on business in Canada as unprecedented numbers of workers retire and fewer enter the labour market. The changes in our demographics mean that immigration is playing an increasingly critical role in alleviating our current and anticipated talent and skills shortage. Manitoba and other provinces compete for skilled international talent and our competitiveness in the world depends, in a large part, on our ability to attract, integrate, and retain international talent.
Published Date: 14 June 2023AttractionHow to find talentHow to hire talentHow to retain talentInclusionInclusivity StrategyRecruitmentENAccess the ToolSystemic Racism Commissioner’s Final Report 2022 (New Brunswick)
This review is a Government of New Brunswick initiative that seeks to develop an understanding of the nature and impact of systemic racism in the province. Dr. Manju Varma will lead these efforts, working independently from government, to produce a final report with recommendations to the government on the development of a provincial strategy and action plan to address cross-sectoral concerns such as: barriers to opportunity; equitable access to programs and services; and systemic racism.
Published Date: 13 June 2023DEI StrategyDiversityInclusionInclusivity StrategyAccess the Resource