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30 minsPrintable Resource

Networking Tips for Success in Canada

Read this document for useful tips, suggestions, and weblinks to help you with your professional networking in Canada.

Published Date: 30 August 2023Employee DevelopmentAccess the Resource
1 hourWebinar (On-Demand)

Webinar: Immigrant Employment Programs and Services Overview

Key take-aways: 1. To understand the steps to employment for immigrants to Canada 2. To learn about the types of programs, services and resources that help immigrants achieve their employment goals 3. To hear about the immigrant experience in navigating and accessing employment programs and services Presenter: Irene Vaksman, Program Manager, JVS Toronto Success Story Panelists: - Miguel Abascal, PINs Leader, UnstoppableMe - Akhil Shah, The Mentoring Partnership Mentor and former Mentee Facilitator: Shivani Parshad, Learning Consultant, TRIEC Originally aired: March 30, 2016 Sign-in required

Published Date: 30 August 2023Business Case for InclusionFinding SPOsInclusionStrategyENAccess the Webinar
8 hoursE-Learning

Course: Introduction to Inclusive Recruitment and Selection

Organizations with inclusive hiring processes have the competitive advantage. By taking this learning path, you can gain: 1. Insight into common biases in recruitment and selection 2. Best practices for creating inclusive recruitment and selection processes 3. Strategies and tools for hiring from the immigrant talent pool Sign-in is required

Published Date: 30 August 2023How to find talentHow to hire talentRecruitmentENEnrol in this course
1 hourGuides

Employer’s Guide to Integrating Immigrants into the Workplace

This document is intended for employers in Ottawa who are interested in hiring and retaining skilled immigrants. The document is a reference guide that provides information about and insight into the most common challenges faced by local employers when recruiting and integrating immigrants into the workplace. The guide offers practical tips and suggestions for employers to address these challenges, highlighting local resources.

Published Date: 30 August 2023How to find talentHow to hire talentHow to retain talentENAccess the Guide
2 hoursE-Learning

Course: Strategic Communications

This e-learning module helps you develop targeted communication plans for your association. Designing a strategic approach to communications will keep your members informed, engaged and help your association achieve its communication goals. Learning outcomes: 1. Understand why strategy matters 2. Implement the POST Approach in your communications planning 3. Identify how social media and other online tools can help your communications approach Access: Registration.

Published Date: 30 August 2023CommunicationENEnrol in this course
30 minGuides

Orientation, Retention and Promotion A Guide for Building Welcoming and Inclusive Workplaces for New Immigrant Workers

Orientation, Retention and Promotion – A Guide for Building Welcoming and Inclusive Workplaces for New Immigrant Workers is a part of the Get In The Know initiative. Get In The Know is a one of a kind initiative developed to support employers in the orientation, retention and promotion of new immigrant workers. The initiative includes this guidebook, a robust website, social media and training.

Published Date: 17 August 2023ENAccess the Guide
1 hourWebinar (On-Demand)

Immigrant Employment Programs and Services Overview

This webinar is brought to you by Professional Immigrant Networks (PINs) for anyone outside of the traditional employment services sector who is assisting immigrant job seekers. This includes PINs associations, but also refugee sponsors, faith-based groups and other organizations committed to helping immigrants in their job search.

Published Date: 17 August 2023ENAccess the Webinar
30 minResources

Inclusive Onboarding for Newcomer Employees: A Resource for Employers

This onboarding resource is meant to assist employers and managers in effectively integrating newcomer employees into their teams. From establishing clear expectations and providing necessary support to fostering a positive work environment that creates a welcoming experience. Empower your newcomer employees to thrive and succeed! Download the guide.

Published Date: 17 August 2023InclusionOnboardingENAccess the Resource
45 minResources

Valued Workers, Valuable Work: The Current and Future Role of Immigrant Talent

Essential work is critical to Canada’s economy and the provision of basic goods and services. Canada relies on immigrants and temporary residents in many essential sectors and occupations. And the pandemic has put the spotlight once again on their contributions in sectors like healthcare and agriculture.

Published Date: 31 July 2023Business Case for InclusionInclusivity StrategyENAccess the Resource
25 minPodcasts

Podcast – Comprendre les pénuries de main-d’œuvre au Canada

Il y a plus de gens qui travaillent qu’avant la pandémie, mais la demande de main-d’œuvre demeure supérieure à l’offre. Dans cet épisode, nos invités font part de leurs points de vue sur le contexte économique entourant ces pénuries et leurs conséquences pour les entreprises canadiennes. Nous discutons de ce que cela signifie pour les responsables en matière de compétences, les employeurs et les travailleurs. Invités : - Pedro Antunes, économiste en chef, Le Conference Board du Canada - Geneviève Bich, vice-présidente, Ressources humaines, Metro inc.

Published Date: 27 July 2023FRAccess the Podcast
7 minTip Sheet

3 Ways to Promote Organization-wide Ownership of Diversity and Inclusion

Get tips! Many organizations and businesses in Canada have begun to understand the value of a diverse workforce, and are adopting diversity and inclusion policies and initiatives. But implementing new programs and practices can be difficult, particularly as it often involves changing attitudes, behaviour and culture throughout all levels of the organization.

Published Date: 27 July 2023DEI StrategyDiversityENAccess the Tip Sheet
40 minPlaybook

Employer Playbook: Strategies for Immigrant Inclusion in Canadian Workplaces

This Playbook provides easy-to-implement practical strategies and tips to bolster immigrant inclusion at each stage of the employment cycle: recruiting, hiring, onboarding, and integrating immigrants into the workplace. Download the Playbook.

Published Date: 27 July 2023InclusionENplaybook